Book Two, Chapter One, �How to rescue a bear with a beehive stuck on its head�


After spending 3 months in the Elvish Bardic School (and learning 3 ranks in Public Speaking, Tale Telling and History). I go with Estalyn and Balatar to Tashal where we met up with the rest of the party who had wintered there. Except, of course, for Aruth who had wintered in Trobridge. In Tashal Aruth was given a Khuzdul War Wagon, with a magnificent paint job.


Its 3 to 3 1/2 weeks journey to Azadmere and we left on the 1st of Nolus. At the Niniom Bridge we are met by 48 of the Royal Guard. Here we heard rumours of the Jarin uprising in Lorkin, which ran for 3 months and was then put down with great gusto by the Ivinians. I wonder what happened to Capel, Angel and Garin.


Azadmere is a tiered city, with an Inner and Outer City. At the foot of a 100 - 200 foot cliff is the normal city. The Upper City is carved into the side of the mountain where Khuzdul live, and Humans are not normally allowed up there. The party is actually allowed into some parts of the Upper City as we brought the Princess back.


Shopping Frenzy (Part III) �


The party consists of Martyn the Paladin, Giles the Apprentice, Zytsi the Mason, Aruth of the War Wagon, Estalyn the Elf and Daniel the Bard. The month is spent partying, two announcements are made. They are the engagement of the Princess Riyan and Sergeant Kruel of the Royal Guard, and that Zytsi is made associate member of the Khuzdul Mason Guide.


The war wagon is black and made of metal. It has painted on the side wild stallions with flaming hooves galloping down the sides.


On the 1st of Agrazhar 724 we leave Azadmere for the Sorkin Mountains to get 4 horses for Aruth. 3 days to Zerhun in the southern part of Azadmere (the land as opposed to the city). Then we spend 4 days following the Guthe River.


On the 2nd day out from Zerhun (i.e. the 5th Agrazhar) we hear Khuzdul war cries. We investigate. They seem to be a mile off. The wagon gets stuck, the Wagon Floats! 1/4 mile away we here Gargun shouts.


Martyn the knight rides ahead and bursts into the scene. After him bouncing up and down comes Giles. Followed by the rest in the floating war wagon pulled by 4 cart horses. In a clearing with about a 75 yard radius is a Khuzdul hunting lodge with 20ish attacking Gargun.


Martyn stops, and the party arrives, he blows his horn and charges. Giles charges, has an �arrowing experience and falls off his horse. In the criticals Giles� helmet saves his life, twice. Zytsi charges up. Missiles. Martyn has a swath of dead Gargun around him. They flee in terror leaving 9 dead behind (in 2 rounds). Martyn gives Giles a few pointers on the proper approach to charging.


These were Red Gargun. The Gargun come in different types Streaky (3 ft tall), Brown or Common, Great or Black, White (the least unpleasant), and Red (same as Brown). This was a general run of the mill attack on Khuzdul. Miners here, only one dead as we go on.


Zytsi fells ill, was he poisoned? Got the trots by evening, cleared up by dawn.


7th leave road by river. Cross the river by a bridge and into the wilderness. 2 days to next river.

9th 3 p.m. Reach the river. Reasonably fast following, 30 feet wide, but the river is not fordable. Martyn rides across with rope. Horses and wagon dragged across one at a time with ropes. OK!


10th How to rescue a bear with a beehive stuck on its head, using grass, a torch and a bucket. A burning bucket of grass is Martyn�s weapon, with Giles as backup. Martyn with a smooth manoeuvre pulls hive off it head and throws it away rather close to Giles. Martyn stands in the smoke and the bear takes a swipe at Giles, and missed. Martyn calms bear and lead them off. Put out fire, recover bucket, leave, and bear follows (for 3 hours, gets bored, and gets better, leaves).


11th - middle of the night. Rustling noises in trees. Lots of Gargun. Hail of rocks. Giles helmet saves his life again. Red Gargun. Martyn�s tent is as strong as a wooden house. Leap into the wagon. I fumble and the 3 attacking me also fumble and fall out of the wagon. Harn�s most devastating fumble - Daniel fumbles, 3 Gargun fumble and fall out of the wagon. Martyn and Zytsi kill loads. Giles SNP for all combat. Estalyn turned into a fox because he nearly got killed. Wagon floats about an inch above the ground. Bright light gives the Gargun a minus.


Leave another bright light and move off at night. Horse goes lame after 1 1/2 hours. Go on with 3 horses pulling. Martyn meditates for an hour in the wagon. Should get to river today.


4 in afternoon. Yelgri attack panty. It was untidy. Party splits. Martyn blows horn, Giles blows back. Party relinks. Horns in the hills, thanks Martyn.


We cross the river. Martyn�s horse slipped but he got back into the saddle and to other side. Ferry horse across rope each side. Horses one by one then wagon last.


Yelgri try to attack again. We move off. End of the 12th.


3 days to next river, last part is by the Ilmen Marsh. 13th is uneventful. 14th Giles sniffles for a while and then gets better. Camp near(ish) to marsh. Night grunting in swamp.



What is 12 ft tall, weighs 2 tons and looks like a wingless dragon? It says �Greetings Travellers�...................


end of chapter