Book Seven, Chapter Two �Oh hello Sulla, we didn't expect to see you here�


����������� 10/10/2005


It seems to be the 4th of Kelen. The Erana Sir Martyn Yanyez De Barbudo, Zytsi the mason, Daniel the Bard and our driver Aruth (oh yes and some skirt wearing nutter known as Bowlhead) are in the Temple of Larani in Aleath awaiting a meeting with the Chief Priest of Larani. Or at any rate Sir Martyn is, the rest of us are recovering after last night. Aruth cures Daniel�s hangover. Bowlhead says suffering is good for the soul.


The Chief Priest is called Telgar, and is not of Sir Martyn�s order. He is the head of the Order of Hyvrik; the Fighting Order around here is the Order of the Chequered Shield, again not Sir Martyn�s order. So he admits it. The remains of Saint Perdyn and Saint Baryne went missing during Agrazhar last year. Telgar denied all knowledge of the theft. There then followed much discussion of visions. The only reference to 50 dead warriors is at Dyrisa. There are more than 50 burial mounds to the west of the town. That might be something to do with it. There might well be a noble there.


Sir Martyn takes Beth (the witch) to the Chantry of Arcane Lore. They don�t want to know, they don�t take on apprentices here. They suggest you take her to their offices in Coranan.


The Harper�s Hall here is where the bards train. They even sell musical instruments here. Daniel goes there to pick up the local songs and tales, and find out about Dyrisa and its burial mounds. Dyrisa was a holy place for the Ariathe people, who are long vanished. They had over 80 chieftains who were buried with treasure mostly to the west of Dyrisa. About 150 to 170 years ago Sasagran the Ghoul desecrated many but not all of the burial mounds. It�s now a felony to enter or excavate them, though enforcement is lax.


So Daniel spends half a day looking into it. Sasagran the Ghoul, Sasagran of Kidlar, one of the most grotesque figures in western Harn, was appointed ruler of Dyrisa in 569 where his career was one of violence and insanity. His appointment as governor was to remove him from centre of power and to instil fear into local populace. He personally conducted the ritual executions of a previous monarch and (allegedly) devoured his heart. The rumours spread that he fed off of his victims. In 588 the local Theocracy collapsed and he declared himself king and ruled a sizable area around Dyrisa. He indulged in every degenerate whim, was a worshiper of Morgath, and was going totally insane. He declared himself to be the Necromancer, and defiler of the dead. Excavated the mounds and allegedly ate the bodies. In 609 he was murdered and entombed with 30 living victims. The mound was opened after a few days and the bodies had vanished, the cursed barrow cannot be re-sealed and his successors turn up dead. A Larani priest sealed the grave mound and then he died and the grave was re-opened. Not even plants grow on the mounds. His ghost is still sighted even today.


Zytsi went to se the only other Khuzdul in the village and Aruth went down the pub.


The next day we sent off for a genteel stroll to Dyrisa, and that should take us three days. And we got there without incident, arriving on the 7th Kelen. Sir Martyn asked Daniel to teach Beth to read and write, and not to practice his seduction on her. Or there will be a wedding, now that is a threat.


As we come into town we see a couple of old looted barrows. Dyrisa has three temples (Larani, Peoni and Save-K�nor), castle, manor house, theatre, brothel, several pubs, a few merchants, and the usual. They are currently extending the fortifications to surround the town. We go to the Temple of Larani, which is the second biggest building in town after the castle. The chief priest is out. We arrange to stay to in the temple and see him the next day. So it�s down the pub for a pint and a large rumour. The pubs are The Dragon�s Quay (posh pub), The Green Flagon (run by a notorious gossip), The Fallen Falcon (riff raff pub), and The Jade Portal (house of courtesans).


We seem to have got all the useful information before we got here. Spend a day knocking about town and then go out for a day round the barrows. We go with the King�s Huntsman, who is a five star ranger, for a tour of the local barrows. We aren�t prospectors; rather we are concerned that someone has been doing some digging. Half an hour to wait and we�ll met outside the Fallen Falcon.


We set off west. He points out Sasagan�s Hill, with the old barrow grave. We go west for about three miles, about 10 miles. How many have been looted? About 40 or 50. We found one that was unlooted so we walked round it to have a look; there are about 30 unlooted ones. Oh what an exciting day this was.


That�s it, off to Golotha. It will take about a week. Nothing happens and we get there on the 15th of Kelen. Sir Martyn wants to see Sulla. We have stayed at and the Bridge Tower Inn and the Hand and Fist in the past. So we will go in disguise as merchants. The merchant Markus Spencer, his assistant W H Smith, bodyguard Don Quarry and Edward Silverhand (nb he always wears gloves). Bowlhead is Doctor White, a healer. We decide to stay at the Bridge Tower Inn. Sir Martyn sends a note to Sulla, who is on the Heptarcle Council and therefore technically a noble.


We get invited for dinner, three hours to get ready. Well some of us have a bath and dressed in our best clothes. Shame about Bowlhead�s posh clothes, he hasn�t any. A coach is sent for us. There aperitifs for us and there is a lady companion for each of us, except Sir Martyn. There is even a female Khuzdul. The same ones as before for Aruth and Daniel, and we are please about that. Sulla makes her entrance, with no scarlet ribbons in her hair.


Excellent dinner, polite small talk. She seems to know about what happens in Tashal and the area, but not everything. She knew that Beth joined the party. The ladies except Sulla retire and we discuss serious stuff.

�I believe you�ve recently been in Orbaal.�

�Were we? Oh yes, yes. Well we have popped in on our way somewhere. You know how it is.�

�I thought I recognised your handy work.�

She was wondering if he had anything he wants to return, she says fishing for a hand. Robin took Mike outside for a quick conversation about veracity of statements.


<<So we stopped for dinner at this point. Right next time remember � fish and � chips next time, Birmingham portions are way too large. >>


She says that we may be looking for a couple of missing bodies, and she might be able to help us. And there is a little problem that we could help her out with.


About 10 years ago a number (about 50ish) of knights of Agrik went along the Scarlet Ribbon and met their demise. The Order of the Red Shadows Herpa would like their bodies back, but politically speaking it would it would be good if she could get the bodies first. They are on display somewhere, and she could help us gain the saints� bones.

�Did you nick the saints� bones?�

�No, that would be war not politics.�

These bodies are displayed in Kustan in Peran. She just needs their skulls. The rewards will be good for the rest of us. The skulls are stuck on poles just outside Kustan. Kustan is the main trading village for the Kubora tribe. Sometimes it belongs to others but it keeps revolting, and throws them all out.


She presents us each with a small figurine of a goat. Once per day it will negate it will the penalty effect of one wound, i.e. the minus penalty of one wound. This was in appreciation of the fine work we did in Orbaal. In return Sir Martyn says we have a few things for her, chalice, staff and robes that came from a certain castle up north somewhere or other. Sir Martyn wondered if she wanted the hand back. Zytsi thought it was a good idea, and Sulla asked if that was his desire. He said no, and Bowlhead said it was his. Actually he did leave the hand here, though he may well come back for it.

Yea verily was there then some shagging going on. Except Zytsi, who went in for talking, its must be a Khuzdul thing. Mind you he has a woman waiting in Azadmere.


Lines of information suggested by Sulla: talk to Daquer, a merchant who trades with Peren and trades with Kuboran. His mother was a Kuboran, and he employees three Kuboran tribesman. Also Hunar who is a woodcraft and Konar, a weapon crafter, may have info. And the Temple of Save-K�nor might have some info as well.


The next day Daniel went to the Temple of Save-K�nor and Aruth went down the pub. Sir Martyn wanted to leave Beth with Sulla; we decided this was a bad idea. Sir Martyn decided to ask Beth whether she wanted to go with us into the dangerous north or if she wanted to be given to the Temple of Agrik.


Daniel is entitled to two days worth of research.

Basics History

The Kubora believe Kemlar the Holy Guide ended his quest at Kustan, so they began their custom of burying chiefs here as a result. The village of Kus was established at Kustan and is the site of the annual Kubaron moot. 414 the Imperial Corani legions took Kuston and for the next several decades the Corani overran much of Peren. Despite this Corani control was light outside of Kustan. The Kubaran revolted 12 times in 50 years. Nebran formed an alliance with the Urdu and Equani against. Then a Corani expedition arrived to search for the tomb of Kemlar. This caused a general revolt and the Corani Empire was thrown out, but Nebran was killed.


Generally after this trade only with Kustan. The fort at Kustan is a potent symbol for the Kubaran. Annual moot when all 26 tribes of the Kubaran met up, in the month of Larane. Lots of barrow graves around Kustan as the tribes bury their dead chiefs in them. People are usually buried with a reasonable amount of treasure and weapons and stuff.


Main legend - Kemlar the Guide lead the Kuborans, Urdu and Equani across Harn. He sounds like a non- Kuboran Mentalist. It was his barrow the expedition ten years ago was looking for, as well as the one that caused the original revolt. There is a guy in Shostim who might be able to help out with more info, Sedisi, who has researched Kemlar in great detail.


Nebol the bond breaker, who was a war chief who broke the bonds of people who were enslaved. He had a magical spear and several strange magical artefacts.


Sir Martyn has lots of info on the Kubarans.